Sunday, June 13, 2004
Attack of the Homogeneous Anglos!
From Spinnerin Vol. 180, copyright 1967. I bought this pattern book in Sacramento at a thrift shop for 25ยข--I didn't even knit then, only bought this because of the SuperMod, Swingin' Sixties Style inside. It's titled "Gentlemen Prefer" so in many of the pictures it looks as if the men with smooth mannequin pancake makeup faces are sharing one mannequin woman. In a few pictures, it's just men, playing with cameras with long telephoto lenses...there's a very KenDoll Homoerotic vibe going on.
Actually some of the sweaters aren't completely "un-hip," I can see these mass produced and tagged with a Billabong/Quiksilver label in a local surf-skate-snow shop:
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