
Tuesday, November 15, 2005


(Sorry, couldn't think of a better title.)

From what Heidi's Shoebutton said, and from what the rest of you who can see my blog said, and since everybody else can apparently see MJ's button but me, I have concluded that this thing came in piggyback on either iGive's Shopping Window or eTrust's Internet Security Suite, since I installed both of them around the same time I started experiencing the "trouble." If you've installed iGive's Shopping Window, d'ya mind taking a look at the source code of any page you are viewing in your web browser? Same with eTrust users, if'n you don't mind. The rogue javascript appears just above the style end tag in the header. Lemme know, m'kay?

(BTW, in case you don't know how to view the source code [and this is by far the most useful blogging tool I know] in IE it's under the Tools menu, "View Source" and in Mozilla you can just hit CTRL+U [although it is also under the Tools menu, if you aren't into keyboard shortcuts]. This way, you can see the cool things people do to make the cool things you are seeing in the browser.)

Moving on to More Important Things

Which is to say, dog stuff.

The role of a foster parent is to help the fostered become adoptable. To engender good habits, teach important living skills, good manners and so one and such forth.

Um, yeah.

Since we pretty much figure GAC has forgotten all about Snowball, we're not stressin' out about "adoptable."

He's learning to sit. He's learned to pee in the yard, and not mark anywhere but there. Mostly.

He has been taught some bad habits.

Shredding paper.

Barking at cats.

Devouring porn.

He pulled this out from wherever it had been and shredded it.

"Take that for airbrushing out clitorises!" he seemed to say.
Good boy.
I don't generally object to porn, but this issue was lame.
And seriously, only one model apparently had a clitoris which escaped the attentions of their airbrusher.

On a Less Google-magnetic Note...

On Friday I picked up all the dogbeds in our little living room and tossed them on the couch so I could vacuum. Libélula decided to recreate a childhood fairytale:

The Princess and the Pea

She looks comfy, eh? Then I turned on the vacuum:

And they huddled together for safety. Really, the great sucking noise machine might just possibly try to kill them someday. So you can't blame them.

Snowball slept through most of the vacuuming. He was at GAC for about 8 months and we vacuum the kennel about 4 times a day, so he's pretty well socialised to the sound and sight of it.

Knitting and Spinning

I've been doing a fair bit of both. I've started a project which would annoy Nancy greatly, so I won't show it here (and really, I can't show it, for the same reason I'm not posting about where we went on Saturday), and I'm slowly plugging away at the ribbing on Tahoe's sweater.

Speaking (typing) of dog sweaters, I totally spaced out on going to the Knitting for Dogs book signing and fashion show at Knitting in La Jolla, attended by such dignitaries as Marnie (she's spinning now, check it out) and MamaScrapalotta and their dogs.

A lot of dogs; it looks like we missed out on some serious dress-up fun, Mom, I'm sorry I spaced. The author's blog also has a lot of pictures of the event if you scroll down.

Sort of Knitting and Spinning Related

I have finally got the shop up and sort of working.

Of course, I have to assume that you guys can see the pics of the stock, and that pages are loading the way they should.

I gave up on figuring out osCommerce, ZenCart and the mysteries of php, cgi, api, soap, whatever for now and am just using Paypal's basic build a button, cut and paste it, basic shopping cart thingy.

So please, please, please let me know if you are playing on the site and you get a weird 404 or malfunction, because with this javascript thing, I don't really know how stuff is displaying or if malfunctions are from the virus or not.
I've also placed a button for the shop in my sidebar. Can you see it? This thing is strange, like being selectively blind.

Anyway, everything's table-based, I hope it loads and displays okay. I'll do a css navbar and stylesheet soon so everything will load faster, I promise.

The "glacier and stone" merino/silk two ply is what I've spun up most recently, along with the muppet yarn, and I have to say, if nothing else comes from Lanas de Libélula, it is really fun to play with all the different fibers.

And as always, I'm wide open to suggestions. If you'd like to see something, or think something looks terrible, or...anything really, let me know.

Updated to add: Oi, definitely a case of seeing the same things over and over again and not really seeing them, and a MAJOR case for a navbar css thing...I went through all the pages and changed "handpsun.html" to "handspun.html" like it should have been. I couldn't see the difference last night, 'though I looked and looked. I had chalked it up to this virus thing. Thanks Krys!


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